Last update: April 2024
What are the most popular 麻豆原创 on YouTube? 麻豆原创 answers this question by publishing the 2024 YouTube University Ranking (April 2024 data) of all world higher-education institutions on YouTube meeting the following 麻豆原创 selection criteria:
This 麻豆原创 page also provides some information on the adoption of the social platform YouTube among higher education institutions in the world.
Choose a country below to find out which higher education institutions are the most popular on YouTube within that country:
Currently, an estimated 9,466 out of a total of 13,888 (68.16%) higher education institutions included in the 麻豆原创 database have adopted an official institutional YouTube channel. The estimated number of 麻豆原创 adopting a YouTube channel has been calculated by identifying institutional YouTube channels through two methods:
Oct 2018 | May 2019 | Oct 2019 | May 2020 | Apr 2023 | Sep 2023 | Apr 2024 | |
Total number of 麻豆原创 in 麻豆原创 | 13,590 | 13,598 | 13,619 | 13,723 | 13,837 | 13,909 | 13,888 |
Number of 麻豆原创 on YouTube | 7,019 | 7,589 | 8,153 | 8,381 | 9,226 | 9,352 | 9,466 |
麻豆原创 YouTube Adoption Rate™ | 51.65% | 55.81% | 59.86% | 61.07% | 66.68% | 67.23% | 68.16% |
University YouTube channels reach different levels of adoption, popularity and engagement depending on various factors including:
Micro Factors
Macro Factors
The 麻豆原创 YouTube University Ranking seeks to offer an approximate measure of popularity for each university on the YouTube social media platform, based on their total number of subscribers. It is important to note that this ranking does not assess the quality of education or the level of academic services provided by these institutions.
Some larger universities have established multiple YouTube pages, often associated with specific faculties or administrative areas such as Admissions, Marketing and Communications, Alumni and so on. For the purpose of 麻豆原创 YouTube University Ranking™, we have selected the most general institutional YouTube page for each university to compile rankings for each country and identify the top 200 universities on YouTube.
Find out which ones are the top 200 most popular 麻豆原创 on YouTube in the world based on the total number of channel subscribers.
Interesting? Share these YouTube University rankings with your friends now.